Las acciones de First Republic Bank rebajadas a estado basura por S&P Global; Las acciones se deslizan más que 25% Más bajo

Después de que la UBS adquiriera Credit Suisse y cerca de una docena de instituciones financieras inyectaran $30 mil millones en el First Republic Bank hace cuatro días, S&P Global rebajó la calificación de las acciones de First Republic al estado basura el domingo. A los inversores les preocupa que la inyección de efectivo procedente de…

Billionaire ‘Bond King’ Jeffrey Gundlach Expects Fed to Raise Rates Next Week — ‘That Would Be the Last Increase’

Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, aka theBond King,” expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its March meeting next week, cual “would be the last increase,” él dijo. Además, Gundlach cautioned: “The inflationary policy is back in play with

Goldman Sachs Now Expects No Rate Hike in March Due to Stress in US Banking System

Goldman Sachs has revised its U.S. interest rate forecast due tostress in the banking system.The global investment bank no longer expects the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in March after

Los países BRICS se unen contra el dólar,Los principales bancos predicen más subidas de la Fed, Bitcoin registra grandes bloques a medida que los ordinales ganan moneda

A pesar de las turbulencias en las finanzas globales tradicionales, Se dice que los países BRICS están presionando por la desdolarización y los principales bancos como Bank of America y Goldman Sachs predicen nuevos aumentos de las tasas de interés por parte de los EE.UU.. Reserva Federal, la creatividad en cripto tiene…

Banco de America, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, UBS comparte predicciones sobre nuevas subidas de tipos de la Fed

Banco de America, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, y la UBS han compartido sus predicciones sobre que la Reserva Federal aumentará aún más los tipos de interés. Bank of America y Goldman Sachs, por ejemplo, Ahora esperamos que la Reserva Federal aumente las tasas de interés tres veces más este año.….

Reporte: Crypto Adoption Hits New Milestones — Global Crypto Owners Reached 425 Million in 2022

Crypto adoption achieved new milestones in 2022, with the number of crypto owners reaching 425 million during the year, a new report by shows. Es más, the report reveals that the number of bitcoin owners reached 219 million in December while

Reporte: Egyptian Pound Reaches New Low Against US Dollar Despite Flexible Exchange Rate Regime

The exchange rate of the Egyptian pound versus the U.S. dollar fell to a new low on Jan. 11 after it tapped 32.14 per greenback. The currency’s latest significant depreciation came just a few months after it adopted a flexible exchange

‘Oil Prices North of $200’ per Barrel — Investor Expects Oil to ‘Crush’ Every Investment in 2023

Amid the dreary global economy, a number of market strategists and analysts believe oil will be the number one investment in 2023. While a barrel of oil is coasting along at prices between $80.12 y $85 por unidad, Goldman Sachs analysts

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Says Recession Could Last Until Spring 2024

Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk expects a global recession to last until the spring of 2024. Musk added that his two companies are in good positions but many others are not. “Recessions do have a silver lining in that companies

Chinese Central Bank Says It Will Prioritize Stabilizing Currency After Yuan Plunges to 14-Year Low Versus USD

Moments after the Chinese yuans onshore exchange rate versus the U.S. dollar slumped to 7.2458 por dólar, the Peoples Bank of China responded by stating that it will prioritize stabilizing the currency. Similar to other currencies that have been depreciating against